Saturday, February 16, 2013

Use it or use it later

I can't even count how many projects I have completed that never ended up getting used. One thing I've been doing a lot lately is re-using design elements in new projects—ok, this really only works well with Illustrations, I think. But, let me explain: Our company was going to have a post-election happy hour and I illustrated this bar themed invite for it:

But then it got cancelled so we never got to use it. A few days ago however, one of our other clients wanted to send out an email with a notepad of information to encourage members of their organization to bring notepads to the upcoming convention. I illustrated the notepad, pulled the pins from another illustration project I did and was done, BUT it needed that extra little something—so the beer ring from the coaster design became the coffee/tea ring on the notepad. I also recycled the wood table top background concept for some added dimension.

Small additions, yet it made me feel like maybe all my time wasn't wasted when I designed the invite in the first place. So maybe the saying should go "Use it or use it later".

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Website in progress

Work in progress always seems like a great time to share my work for some reason. I think it's because if I get negative feedback I can blame it on "not really being done yet". Regardless, I'm excited to finally post some screen shots of how I'm incorporating the logo for this client into their new website.