Tuesday, October 26, 2010

65 Days of Christmas

I can't believe I haven't posted any of the holiday stuff I've been working on lately (oh wait, it's because I've been crazy busy working on it, but that's no excuse)! I love it, I love working on improving it, and I REALLY love working in an industry that starts on the holiday print campaign in October. P.S. Sadly these are only the rejected concepts since the approved designs won't be out until Dec. 8th, but I don't love them any less.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gap Logo Debacle

I don't usually weigh in on these things but since my roommate works at El Gapo (our affectionate nickname courtesy of Jack Mcfarland) and I consider the "new" logo truly terrible, I'm speaking out. I also wanted to see what I could come up with in a fixed amount of time. After all, it's easy to criticize bad design, it's much harder to come up with a better solution. So I gave myself some fake parameters (this has to be a REAL challenge) and came up with these solutions.

1 lunch hour (concepting + computer rendering)
Use Gap blue
San-serif type-faces only (I figure they reserve the serifs for Banana Republic)

And by the way, I already know that doing this in my spare time is crazy and enters me into some new category of design nerd but I simply can't help myself.

My first idea, again, I always have a special place in my heart for the first idea. Isn't the "A" so gappish?!

A literal interpretation of a "gap"

I liked the idea of a literal gap so I tried one with the "A".

Three ideas in one hour, not exactly remarkable, but at least they're not in Helvetica.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In Progess

I've been really busy lately working on a new project. I'm developing some icons for it and since I haven't posted any work in a while - here they are!