Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gap Logo Debacle

I don't usually weigh in on these things but since my roommate works at El Gapo (our affectionate nickname courtesy of Jack Mcfarland) and I consider the "new" logo truly terrible, I'm speaking out. I also wanted to see what I could come up with in a fixed amount of time. After all, it's easy to criticize bad design, it's much harder to come up with a better solution. So I gave myself some fake parameters (this has to be a REAL challenge) and came up with these solutions.

1 lunch hour (concepting + computer rendering)
Use Gap blue
San-serif type-faces only (I figure they reserve the serifs for Banana Republic)

And by the way, I already know that doing this in my spare time is crazy and enters me into some new category of design nerd but I simply can't help myself.

My first idea, again, I always have a special place in my heart for the first idea. Isn't the "A" so gappish?!

A literal interpretation of a "gap"

I liked the idea of a literal gap so I tried one with the "A".

Three ideas in one hour, not exactly remarkable, but at least they're not in Helvetica.

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